Back to School Activities

Back To School Color-By-Number Mystery Pictures Coloring Pages

Kick-off the school year with this fun coloring activity. Unlike other color-by-number worksheets, your students won't have a clue on what the mystery picture is until they color the squares.

How to Use

This is a no-prep packet, so all you have to do is to print the pages and have your kids color them. Each page has a grid with numbers written on each square. The numbers correspond to a color, so they just need to shade the squares with the correct color.

What You'll Get

You will receive a printable file that includes the coloring sheet and the answer key (showing the hidden images). A writing prompt is also included on the last page.

If colored correctly, they should uncover these back-to-school themed mystery pictures:

  1. Chalkboard
  2. Alarm Clock
  3. Crayons
  4. Pen
  5. Notebook
  6. Glue
  7. Eraser
  8. Flask
  9. Scissors
  10. Sharpener
  11. School Bus
  12. Backpack
  13. Books
  14. Pencil